Backup and Recovery


Backups of PerfSonar data is performed by the gracc archive service hosted on the GRACC head node and the gracc backup scripts. Every message sent to the message bus by the PerfSonar tools is duplicated, one copy going to the archiver and the other to the PerfSonar collectors.

Every day, the backup tar.gz file is copied to FNAL where it is eventually put on tape.

The archiver runs as a systemd service. The backups run as systemd timers.


This procedure has been tested from the GRACC frontend node ( Though, this procedure could be performed anywhere with the correct software and configuration installed. There is nothing special about the IP or hostname for this procedure.


  • GRACC replayer from the gracc archive package.
  • globus-url-copy and/or uberftp. It may be useful to use uberftp to ls the directory to pick correct file. Though, the naming convention of the backup files may make the ls unnecessary.


  • Certificate that FNAL tape trusts with access to the gracc backup directory gsi
  • User credentials to the OSG message bus


  1. ls the backup directory:

     $ sudo -u gracc X509_USER_CERT=/etc/grid-security/backup-cert/ X509_USER_KEY=/etc/grid-security/backup-cert/ uberftp -ls gsi

    Notice that the naming convention of the file is <hostname>-<year>-<month>-<day>.tar.gz.

  2. Copy the file(s) somewhere using globus-url-copy:

     $ sudo -u gracc X509_USER_CERT=/etc/grid-security/backup-cert/ X509_USER_KEY=/etc/grid-security/backup-cert/ globus-url-copy gsi file:///tmp/
  3. Install gracc-archive in order to use the unarchiver:

     $ pip install git+
  4. Run the unarchiver. You will need the connection username, password parameters.

     $ graccunarchiver -p "amqps://username:[email protected]/osg-nma” amq.topic /tmp/ 

    The unarchiver will produce status updates every 1000 records sent to the message bus.
